There is this really weird thing about alarm clocks - they never work. Or rather, they never work on the person intended.
I have seen umpteen number of people go out and buy alarm clocks. Of course, this becomes much easier since everyone today carries an alarm clock in their cellphones. And these cellphone alarms can be tuned to play the noisiest and most irritating tunes ever! But to what use?
The owner of the alarm clock never ever wakes up. This I can confidently say considering my experiences with my roomies and hostel mates. One of my roomies had an alarm tune that was so loud that it could be heard in another continent, but it failed to wake that person up. Yet another roomie would not even bother to open an eyelid and put the ringing alarm to a snooze. In my hostel, every morning I wake up to hear alarm tones of my neighbours. And then I go and bang their doors so that they wake up.
I think it must be something similar to the snoring phenomenon. Like how the person snoring is never bothered or disturbed whereas no one else can sleep peacefully.
Anyways, probably by experience, the alarm clock owners have realised and resigned to the fact that atleast someone else around will wake up to that noise. Ah! As long as the purpose is served...