Most people think farts are gross. I, however, think farts are grossly
If you think about it, farts happen to be on a very fine
line. (No reference to the literal point of origin.) When you are amongst people you don’t know at all, you don’t care two hoots about
letting one rip. In fact, you feel you are doing them a service by letting it
out with a sound, which might maybe startle a couple of pigeons; but at least you
are saving them from the silent, but far more potent, obnoxiously concentrated
hydrogen sulphide blast.
On the other hand, when you are in a social situation with
people known to you, you have to be a lot more discreet whilst passing wind.
Next time you are at a restaurant table, and your friend randomly decides to
lean over and pick a tissue or toothpick for nothing, you might want to
suddenly develop that running nose and have a handkerchief over it.
But beyond this is where it gets interesting. After a point
of care, you just happen to get so close to some people that you are just not
bothered before you let off some steam (Ok, wrong gas. Ok, wrong idiom as well,
but if you want to be so picky, start with your nose.) I think farts are the
best way to bridge this gap. Find the confidence to fart in front of someone,
and you have forged a friendship for life.
Moral - Fear not, farts bring you closer to people. Let it RIP.