Saturday, September 6, 2014

Top 10 books that influenced me

This #Top10Books thing went viral on facebook right alongside the #ALSIceBucketChallenge. This is my list.
1. The mystery of the disappearing cat - Enid Blyton
This is when I "levelled up" from Tinkle and Chacha Chowdhary
2. Sherlock holmes (the complete works)
Why, you ask? Elementary, my dear Watson!
3. The Godfather
I think I love it partly for the picture it creates in your head even while you are reading it, and partly for the 'Bollywoodish' feel it has.
4. The Fountainhead
Never before, never after, have I been introduced to protagonists with such strong character traits.
5. Harry Potter series
Opening any book in the series is like an entry to Platform Nine and Three Quarters in your mind. Magical!
6. Rich dad poor dad
The first book that made me truly think about money and savings
7. One up on wall street
Common sense equity investing principles
8. Thinking - fast and slow
Behavioural economics is one of my favourite genres and this is a masterpiece in that area. A perfect balance between academic and engrossing.
9. The devotion of suspect X
Beats any other mystery novel I have read. Awesome pace, amazing climax. I have no idea why this is not more famous!
10. Animal Farm
I remember feeling extremely jealous of Orwell; what a timeless, masterful satire!
Honorary mentions:
1. Calvin and Hobbes
Who would have thought one can capture all of the world's wisdom in conversations between a cranky child and his (imaginary?) tiger? Sadly, I lost this book to a termite attack!
2. The Intelligent Investor
It is not really about equity investing. It is much more about the principles and thought process and discipline one should employ while handling his/her money. Deserves a place just for the "Mr. Market" character creation.

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